last updated : 2024/12/09
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Hi, I am an AI Scientist at EXAONE Lab, LG AI Research. Before this, I received my M.S. in Computer Science from Vision&Learning Lab at Seoul National University, advised by Prof. Gunhee Kim.
My research interest is in the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP), especially in aligning a LLM with human value in NLP.
Also, I am interested in addressing all potential risks that may arise from using LLMs.
Work Experiences
EXAONE Lab, LG AI Research (Nov. 2023 - Present)
- AI Scientist
I contributed to various projects focused on the development of EXAONE language models, including versions 3.0 and 3.5. Notably, I built alignment datasets through synthetic methods and collaboration with human annotators.
- M.S. in Computer Science and Engineering, Seoul National University (Mar. 2021 - Aug. 2023)
- Advisor: Prof. Gunhee Kim
- B.S. in Computer Science, Yonsei University (Mar. 2014 - Feb.2021)
EXAONE 3.5: Series of Large Language Models for Real-world Use Cases
LG AI Research (participated as a core contributor)
arxiv preprint
[PDF] / [Model]
Who Wrote this Code? Watermarking for Code Generation
Taehyun Lee*, Seokhee Hong*, Jaewoo Ahn, Ilgee Hong, Hwaran Lee, Sangdoo Yun, Jamin Shin, Gunhee Kim
ACL 2024
[PDF] / [Code]
SQuARe: A Large-Scale Dataset of Sensitive Questions and Acceptable Responses Created Through Human-Machine Collaboration
Hwaran Lee*, Seokhee Hong*, Joonsuk Park, Takyoung Kim, Meeyoung Cha, Yejin Choi, Byoung Pil Kim, Gunhee Kim, Eun-Ju Lee, Yong Lim, Alice Oh, Sangchul Park, Jung-Woo Ha
ACL 2023 (Oral; Best Paper Nomination)
[PDF] / [Dataset & Code]
KoSBi: A Dataset for Mitigating Social Bias Risks Towards Safer Large Model Application
Hwaran Lee*, Seokhee Hong*, Joonsuk Park, Takyoung Kim, Gunhee Kim, Jung-Woo Ha
ACL 2023 (Industry Track)
[PDF] / [Dataset & Code]
How Robust are Fact Checking Systems on Colloquial Claims?
Byeongchang Kim*, Hyunwoo Kim*, Seokhee Hong, Gunhee Kim
NAACL 2021
[PDF] / [Dataset & Code]